MultiVnc-Qt Screenshots

Pinging a printer on the local network where
most response times are less than a millisecond.
Brief tone when status changes is optional
Pinging can be enabled or disabled
Pinging multiple targets
Number of targets is limited only by screen space
Context menu options
Downtime since last ping response (circled)
Remote desktop connection option
for a machine that has just woken up.
The Wake button sends wake-on-lan
(limited to local subnet by usual router configuration).
Multi actions menu
File menu. You can import a list of machines,
drop a list, or paste a list from the clipboard.
Names or IP addresses may be used.
Clear menu. If you are managing PCs, you
might only want to connect if no one is logged
Single machine settings
Configuration options. Password storage is encrypted, but
passwords are accessible by the account that saved them.
UltraVNC can be configured to use either a (7-character max!)
password or Windows account credentials. Small VNC windows
are for monitoring long-running tasks. These can be configured
to not accept keyboard and mouse input.
Timing tweaks